X-Ray diffraction and fluorescence

Stoe Stadi P X-Ray diffractometer

Stoe Stadi P X-Ray diffractometer 


  • transmission geometry with primary Johannson monochromator
  • phase and microstructural analyses
  • qualitative and quantitative analyses of crystalline materials
  • amorphous ('glassy') phase 
  • study of structural changes brought about by foreign element bonding in the crystal lattice 


  • natural (rock, mineral) samples, biominerals (bones, kidney stones), technical materials and their original raw materials, secondary resources (ashes, slag) 
  • asbestos presence 
  • archaeological artifacts


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Desktop Rigaku NEX CG EDXRF with polarised beam

Desktop EDXRF with polarised beam


  • Pd anode (maximum power 50 W)
  • primary beam optimalisation
  • analysis in vacuum, or He atmosphere increases precision when determining light element content
  • powdered, solid and liquid sample analyses
  • qualitative and quantitative element analyses (from potassium onwards)
  • repeatable element analyses 
  • high precision after empiric calibration 


  • Sediment, soil and ceramics analyses, půd a keramiky – calibrated elements – Al, Si, P, S, K, Ca, Ti, Cr, Mn, Fe, Fe, Ni, Cu, As, Rb, Sr, Nb, Ba, Pb
  • Glass analyses
  • Metal analyses
  • Stanovení fosforu v půdě
  • Bezstandardní analýza neznámého vzorku


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No description

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Handheld X-Ray analyser DELTA PROFFESIONAL

Handheld X-Ray analyser DELTA PROFFESIONAL


  • large area SDD detector- modern X-Ray analyser
  • 3 measuring modes
    1. Geochem - rock, soil and sediment analyses
    2. Mining plus - search for potential deposits 
    3. Analytical plus - alloy and metal analyses; contains a database of current norms
  • concentration values of interest given in ppm to tens of percent


  • reserch workplaces, engineering geology enterprises, mining companies
  • resource deposits, fundamental geological exploration
  • waste management and environmental studies
  • metal, alloy, precious metal, electro-waste analyses
  • environment, mining industry and ore analyses, element content in ores and construction waste 
  • archaeology



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doc. Mgr. Eva Geršlová, Ph.D.


Powder X-Ray diffraction
Record reading 800 Kč
Qualitative (semi-quantitative) phase analysis 1600 Kč
Quantitative phase analysis including amorphous content determination 2300 Kč
X-Ray-fluorescence spectroscopy (desktop EDXRF with polarised beam)
ED-XRF calibrated analysis  (suitable for soils, sediments, ceramics) 550 Kč
ED-XRF analysis in He atmosphere, calibrated (suitable for soils, sediments, ceramics) 600 Kč
ED-XRF glass analysis 550 Kč
ED-XRF metal analysis 400 Kč
Phosphorus content in soils (He atmosphere) 400 Kč
ED-XRF analysis (non-standardised) 400 Kč
Sample preparation - drying 50 Kč
Sample preparation - homogenisation, quotation 50 Kč
Sample preparation - crushing, grinding 100 Kč
Sample preparation - collection (drilling) 100 Kč
Data analysis and protocol preparation 2000 Kč

XRD prices include sample preparation for analysis and protocol preparation 

Prices are in effect since January 1, 2020. VAT is not included. 

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