What do our graduates do?
Our graduates can choose from a wide selection of employment options - be it in the private or the research sector. The list below only features a few examples of jobs our graduates may choose.
Applied professions

The area of hydrogeology deals with the issues of groundwater in general. Hydrogeologists will find employment in hydrogeological exploration, monitoring, remediation or for instance drinking water quality assessment and groundwater resource protections. Find out more about this profession below.
Engineering geologist

Engineering geology studies bedrock characteristics in relation to man-made structures - edifices, tunnels, roads and other structures. Engineer geologists conduct exploration and asses conditions for construction and founding. They oversee the construction of large structures and infrastructure and carry out the subsequent monitoring. Thanks to their knowledge of the bedrock, they are experts in assessing the hazards related to, for instance, slope instability and are capable of suggesting suitable precautions. Find out more about this profession below.
Economic geologist

Economic geology studies Earth's resources and their deposits. Economic geologists lead geological exploration in order to find mineral and resource deposits. They are experts on types of mineralisation genesis. Employing the methods of geochemistry, geophysics or, for instance, mineralogy, they map out deposit geometries and suggest suitable manners od extraction. Find out more about this profession below.
Environmental geologist

Aside from the environment around us, environmental geology also studies the interactions of human societies with it. This scientific field therefore focuses not only on rocks, sediments, and water, but also on surface processes on our planet and changes thereof. Environmental geologists examine and monitor the individual elements of the natural environment in order to prevent their degradation by human intervention. They are indispensible for environmental remediation, sugesting means of mitigation. Find out more about this profession below.
Technical assessor

The role of technical assessors consists of identifying places suitable to be converted into safe repositories of potentially hazardous substances, and monitoring the influence of the deposited waste on the surrounding environment. Thus, assessors lead exploration, suggests the parameters of repositories to ensure a maximum isolation of hazardous substances from their surrounding soils, groundwater, rocks, and plants, and conduct environmental monitoring. Found out more about this profession below.
Research professions
All geologists may choose to conduct research regardless of their specific specialisation. Thus, we only give one example of a research profession below. There are, however, many researches throughout the field of geology, working outside the traditional geological disciplines such as palaeontology, mineralogy, Earth history, or structural geology. Just like these disciplines, applied field such as environmental geology or hydrogeology need their researchers! Research workers find employment not only at the academia or the national geological surveys, but also in state institutions, museums, or administration.

Paleontology studies the fossil remains of imprints of plants and organisms, but also the molecular evidence of past life preserved in the rock record. Palaeontologists examine fossils in order to reconstruct the climatic and environmental changes of the past, to shed light on the mechanisms of mass extinction events, but also to better understand the processes of evolution and the history of the planet. Find out more about the profession below.
Which institutions seek geologists?
Many geologists may enter private companies or establish a business of their own. However, many other institutions employ geologists, for instance:
- PUBLIC SERVICE INSTITUTIONS (Ministry of the Environment, environmental unions, area planning institutions, con územního plánování, construction bureaus and others)
- RESEARCH INSTITUTIONS (universities, Academy of Sciences, museums, geological surveys)
- PUBLIC ORGANISATION (bureaus of environmental protection etc.)
Are you looking for some specific examples? Our graduates have found their success in both national and abroad companies and institutions. Read more about our graduates and their career pathways!