doc. RNDr. Marek Slobodník, CSc.
phone: | +420 549 49 7055 |
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Where can I go? How can I apply? Can I read more about student experience? Fundamental information about the study abroad opportunities can be accessed via the link below:
Bachelor's and Master's students of Geology are recommended to seek a study abroad placement during their studies.
Many opportunities for students to pursue their study abroad placement are offered by the MU Centre for International Cooperation. Here you will find detailed information on all available programmes (Erasmus LLP, Erasmus Mundus Aktivita II – External Cooperation Window, CEEPUS, Intra-governmental agreements, “Freemover” scholarships etc.) which will allow you to pursue your placement.
All exchange programmes are managed by the Centre, with the exception of the Erasmus LLP programme, which is managed by faculty or department coordinators. At the Department of Geology, the programme is coordinated by Mgr. Adam Říčka, Ph.D..
All universities and countries available for a study abroad plan at the Department of Geology are listed here.
Updated information on study abroad opportunities and relevant deadlines is circulated each year at the end of January/beginning of February via e-mail or posted on the noticeboard. In February/March, students are nominated based on the number of applications. When submitting your application, you should already be aware of the courses you would like to take at the university of your selection so that you can design your study plan.
1. Choosing the timeframe for your placement and planning the conclusion of studies
A study abroad placement is best realised at the end of year three-beginning of year four of your five year studies. This, nevertheless, brings some challenges concerning the division of studies into Bachelor's followed by the Master's programme. We recommend you to do some research on when you can conclude the courses studied during your placement (examination period timing, especially). For the stated reasons, it is recommended that you realise your placement:
Leaving your placement up until the seemingly optimal semester 6 of your Bachelor's studies leads to a time collision between the final state exams at the end of your Bachelor's studies. Planning your placement for semester 6 means you likely will not be able to conclude your studies in the same semester. Therefore, it is recommended that studies are concluded in the prior semester while applying for an extraordinary Spring semester admission into your follow up programme, or that studies are concluded one semester later. However, this partly shows your inability to conclude your studies within the regular timeframe.
At the Department of Geology, some courses are only tought once in two years. Because of this, you must plan ahead and decide when you take these courses so that at the end of your Master's studies, you will be able to take your state exam in the research areas of your choice. In cases when you cannot take a specific course, contact the relevant member of teaching staff and arrange an alternative way of completing the course.
2. Taking courses and seminars for your thesis
We recommend that you work on your thesis during your study abroad placement, taking the relevant course (Bachelor's or diploma thesis). This will hold you accountable and you will be giving reports on your progress to your supervisor so that you can receive credits for the work on your thesis.
Simultaneously, take the relevant seminar (Bachelor's or diploma thesis seminar) so that you do not need to extend your studies. For students on a study abroad plan, the seminar credits are awarded when the following scheme is met: students will present at the introductory diploma seminar during the semester immediately following their return. After presenting, they will receive credits for the prior semester (i.e. the presentation must be given before the course selectio period ends!). At the end of the same semester, they will give another presentation, receiving credits for the current semester. This solution must be discussed with the seminar supervisor beforehand, so that the seminar programme is duly adjusted. Other options must be discussed beforehand.
3. Courses taken during the placement and their evaluation
The procedures are discussed in detail in Směrnice MU č. 8/2011 (CZ) (Directions for validating the results of study and work placements of the students on the Masaryk university). For your study abroad courses to be validated, you need to submit a confirmation of course completion issued by the foreign university (please bring two copies). The confirmation document/s must contain the following information:
Successfully completed and validated courses, if taken in accordance with the Study contract, will be all ascribed to students (this usually applies to science and language courses). The match of other courses with the study programme will be assessed. Courses are entered into the IS with their original name and validated with their original credit weight and the marks given (as long as these values are at least marginally comparable to the MU system). Decimal credit values are rounded to integers. If the credit value is not given, it will be assigned based on the hourly scope of the subject according to the MU directions.
4. Study responsibilities completion evaluation at the MU
Courses taken abroad may be validated under equivalent MU codes if the following conditions are met (see MU Study and examination regulations). For this to be done, course syllabi must be submitted for courses taken abroad. MU courses are generally validated with a zero credit weight. This is meaningful only in cases of MU's elective or compulsory courses or courses that are a necessary prerequisite for other courses. The validation request form is available on the Office for Studies website here.